Everyday ThoughtsOne of the most special Christmas gifts I received on Christmas Day—was the NPR /CBC broadcast I heard on my drive to a family feast in Seattle. The speech was Martin Luther King’s Christmas Sermon given in Atlanta in 1967. It is the 5th of five MLK Massey lectures which were created in 1961, usually given at Harvard University as an annual week-long series of lectures on a contemporary political, cultural or philosophical topic by noted scholars.http://www.cbc.ca/rewind/sirius/2012/12/20/martin-luther-king-jrs-message-of-peace/Dr. King’s powerful words were about peace and non-violence and most importantly, expressing the critical need to acknowledge how interdependent we all are across the globe. He spoke of the need for compassion and understanding which all people must have for and with each other if we are to sustain viable peaceful life without war on our shared planet. The phrase he used to describe this concept was ‘cosmic companionship,’ the imperative “to learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” [MLK]You might be asking how do Dr. King’s words relate to coffee ? I have spoken of this before in previous blogs—how I see the coffeehouse (those of today and traditionally) as a place of bringing people together for the purpose of companionship—sharing thoughts, our concerns and time.“In our increasingly-fast-paced world of electronics, hyperactivity, and constant change, gathering with friends, even coffeehouse strangers, perhaps fulfills our deep-seated desire for community. Whether we engage in conversation or focus on a book, our laptop, or e-reader, or on the artwork being exhibited, being anchored in the company of others may be as satisfying as a cup of coffee itself.” [MG—from the Introduction in my book] https://marshaglaziere.com/portfolio/eclectic-coffee-spots-in-puget-sound/On some basic human level we value togetherness, however it takes place. What is essential about acknowledging this need is to realize that the extension of togetherness (cosmic companionship) includes ALL other human beings.Our patterns of consumption and negative, often violent behavior must be superseded by this acknowledgement. Our global co-existence, peaceful prosperity and interdependency depend on just that. HUMAN TAPESTRY © Marsha Glazière All Rights Reserved.acrylic, plaster and mixed media on/off canvas —5’10” H x 16’W x 13″ deep/ 4 panels: each 4’W [ 121.9cm ]“HUMAN TAPESTRY is a visual prospect for international peace and the continuation of life on our shared planet. The eleven figures represent various countries and political ideologies. Each is draped in her own flag , her own nationalism, seemingly separate and distinct from that of any other country.”—[complete statement available upon request] use Human TapestryCategory: Everyday ThoughtsLeave a commentPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:ADVENTUROUS COFFEE—The Coffee Spot SAFARI beginsNextNext post:ROADSIDE